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Main | Environmental Vision Award | Winner
Category: Environmental Vision Award

"With butterflies and warriors"

Judges' Special Recognition
"The Driest Seasons: California's Dust Bowl"


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"With butterflies and warriors"

DC 3810.43 001 monitoring lion, lewa conservancy, northern kenya-from the series 'with butterflies and warriors'-David Chancellor -Monitoring a lions movement in the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, northern Kenya. It’s movement will be monitored by scientists in both the US, and the conservancy themselves. Lion are in competition with livestock for resources such as water, and cases of human wildlife conflict are common and result in the deaths of both lion and villagers. Monitoring the location of Lion can help avoid such issues.. 'with butterflies and warriors' The poaching of wildlife is well documented and should not be underplayed, however, what remains largely unseen is the important part that local communities play in conserving and protecting the wildlife that they live alongside. This is the story of those communities in northern Kenya who have come together as a collective of 27 community conservancies in order that they may safeguard the future of a wide range of species. The future of wildlife in northern Kenya will require support and engagement from local communities thus allowing the safe migration of wildlife along centuries old routes, across tribal lands. This is particularly important for species such as Grevy's zebra, and elephant, who have large home ranges and require access to large tracts of land.



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