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Main | Environmental Vision Award | Winner
Category: Environmental Vision Award

"With butterflies and warriors"

Judges' Special Recognition
"The Driest Seasons: California's Dust Bowl"


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"With butterflies and warriors"

DC 076.48 001 mortuary, nanyuki, northern kenya-from the series 'with butterflies and warriors'-David Chancellor - The body of a farmer trampled to death by a rogue elephant at Naibunga Community Conservancy, northern Kenya, lies on a mortuary slab, Nanyuki Mortuary, Northern Kenya. The irony is that as grazing management programs become more successful farmers move into area’s previously only inhabited by wildlife, which results in an increase in human wildlife conflict. Here a farmer walking home in the evening was chased by an elephant, gored and trampled to death. The community demand retribution. The elephant was hunted down by Kenya Wildlife services, shot, and its tusks removed and placed in the same safe store in Nairobi as those from poachers.



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