Main | Feature | First Place
Category: Feature

First Place
Edu Bayer/Freelance

Second Place
Tariq Zaidi/Freelance
"The Sapeurs of Brazzaville"


Third Place
Niclas Hammarström/Freelance


Award of Excellence
Anna Boyiazis/Freelance
"Kijini Primary School students…"


Award of Excellence
Dougal Brownlie/Colorado Springs Gazette
"NFL Jr. Reporter"


Award of Excellence
Loren Elliott/Tampa Bay Times
"Morning Village"


First Place


Mediterranean Sea, Libya. September 7th, 2017. Peace and Simon, a young couple from Ghana departed from Libya, dark in the morning on September 7th on a crowded rubber boat after 2-year-long journey from their homeland. Despite she was very pregnant they both wanted to leave behind the "hell on earth" that Libya was to them and they trusted god they would survive. At 8:30am they were rescued around 30 Miles from Tripoli by a NGO rescue boat. Peace delivered her first born on board of Open Arms vessel. There were complications after delivery and the baby had to be given cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for more than 15 minutes. Then the baby broke crying and start breathing by herself. Other women around them and NGO personnel cheered to the family. The mum and the baby were then evacuated to Sicily by an Italian warship. The father, still on deck of the Open Arms, hoped to reunite them soon. The girl was named 'Miracle', and she later got European nationality because was born on a Spanish vesssel. They are expecting that political asylum will be granted soon.