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Main | News picture story | Award of Excellence
Category: News picture story

First Place

Joachim Ladefoged/Jyllands-Posten

"The new route - refugee crisis"

Second Place

Marcus Yam/Los Angeles Times

"San Bernardino Attacks"

Third Place

Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post


Award of Excellence

Carolyn Van Houten/San Antonio Express-News

"Rebuilding after the floods"

Award of Excellence

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"Rebuilding after the floods"

Serenity Bamberger floats in the Little Blanco River along their property on August 18, 2015 in Blanco, Texas. The Memorial Day weekend flooding, which affected Texas and Oklahoma, killed 24 people. Three of those deaths occurred along the Blanco River of which the Little Blanco River is a direct tributary. Despite the toll the river has taken, Bertha Rivera, Serenity's grandmother, said, "The river bed was dry for years, so now that the water is here I tell the girls to take advantage of it all that they can."



72 Winners Gallery | 72 Judges

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