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Main | World Health | First Place

Category: World Health

First Place
"Ebola Virus "

Second Place

Third Place
"Blue Room"

Award of Excellence
"The death of Shackie Kamara"

Award of Excellence

Award of Excellence

Award of Excellence
"Suruz Ali"

First Place

"Ebola Virus "

Medical staff at the Hastings Ebola Treatment Center work to escort a man in the throes Ebola-induced delirium back into the isolation ward from which he escaped in Hastings, Sierra Leone on Sunday, November 23, 2014. In a state of confusion, he emerged from the isolation ward and attempted to escape over the back wall of the complex before collapsing in a convulsive state. A complete breakdown of metal facilities is a common stage of advanced Ebola. The man pictured here died shortly after this picture was taken.



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